
Spot ON! is a merchants registration & round management tool for recurrent events owners.

This tool is designed to make it simpler to have your customers register for the event(s) you are organizing.

HUD ON! Shopping HUD system for events

Two solutions to choose from, based on your needs

HUD On! Basic
HUD On! Network

Draw Me! Raffles management

Simple and easy tool to create and manage Raffles for your shop/brand/event

Welcome Me! Welcome Mat system

web based welcome mat tool that offers multiple options to new visitors of your sim/shop/event

Subscribe Me! Off World Subscriber system

Web based Subscriber tool that allows your guests/customers to subscribe to an off world list

BLOG ME! – Blogger management solution for events owners

Two different ways to manage your event’s blogger room, blogger list and merchant items:
Blog me! Inclusive
Blog me! Group driven

Lucky me! Lucky chair script

Script to manage your own Lucky Chair. This version only provide the script, so that you can use your preferred mesh as a chair.

Lucky Me Plus – Complete Lucky Chair system

Script + elegant modern chair, available in three different colors, and a panel to show the ads of the chosen prizes.

“Box Up!” – Tool to simplify your management of vendors and boxes